
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Advisory (AI/ML)

We help Organizations accelerate AI adoption at every step of their journey. At Dependenz our team of experts work with your team to identify how AI can help address the key challenges facing your business. Together, we find the unique AI investments that balance creating value today with building capabilities for tomorrow.

Our Artificial intelligence (AI) Consultants help businesses drive and leverage AI and machine learning strategies and development. These services can range from straightforward to technical, including: helping your teams to understand areas where machine learning or automation may be beneficial to their business, building and developing machine learning algorithms for the client, or helping the client train AI services they built or bought themselves.

Dependenz will partner with several platform service providers with specific machine learning technology vendors, such as IBM, Google, Microsoft, or AWS, among others. We help you set your people up for success. Starting with one-day AI bootcamps for Executives and teams, we build your organization’s literacy and trust to work with AI. Working in sprints, we assess the potential of your current data, technology and software infrastructure to deploy AI workflows and systems through a strategic lens.

With a diverse team of Applied Research engineers, domain and design experts, we get you ready for enterprise-grade AI deployments. We work together using purpose-built tools to close gaps on data, model training and deployment deficiencies.
